Speaking of whirlwinds, it has actually been quite windy here as of late; not to mention a bit more rainy, colder, and more and more everyday, darker. So anyway, I've sort of slacked with staying up on the blog, and naturally, I now have a plethora of different things that I could mention and discuss (well, discuss in a unidirectional/monological sort of way ).
I made a list of topics to talk about in a little notebook of mine the other day (yes, this is a little bit more formulaic and monotonous than the way I would usually go about things, but for our purposes today, bare with me):
1. VOTE FOR THE WILL SHINE BAND - this is pretty self explanatory: follow this link to both successfully vote and gain more information about what you are voting for
2. As some of you may have heard/read, I was recently pretty sick with some form of nasty cold (I doubt it was any type of flu because of lack of certain symptoms--sorts I don't think it is necessary to outline). I still have some (very slight) remanent congestion, but I'm definitely feeling much better. Thanks for all of your prayers and kind messages.
3. While I was sick, I took advantage of the absolute down time to do something that I don't really do to often: I read a book! (ha) Yes, I seldom partake in this intellectually stimulating activity, one of the sad facts of my life. The book I read is called 'The Shack', and it had been recommended to me by multiple sources. Well, I read it, and I have to say... THIS BOOK IS AMAZING!!!! READ IT AS SOON AS YOU CAN, IF NOT SOONER!!! Ok, that's a lot of hype, but seriously, it's incredible in every sense. It's a fiction that is not only thought-provoking, but un-like so many fictional works, this book has the potential to really rock your life, and could change your outlook on several issues; probably the most profound of those being your understanding of who God is and (in a very non-heretical and scripturally sound way) what God does/does not do in our world/lives. I suppose I would simply recommend that you just go read it for yourself to make that 'life changing capacity' call for yourself. I will definitely testify to the fact that it has revolutionized many of the ways I think about my faith.
4. With learning new things in mind, I recently sort of hit an educational jackpot. As most of you know, I'm not in Edinburgh just for fun, I'm actually studying abroad here. One of the classes that I'm taking (this one is my independent study one) is Music History 1, which basically covers the development of Western Music leading up the the Baroque Period (end of the 16th century). In my search for a specific research topic I stumbled upon "The Rosslyn Motet" (which was composed based on findings at the infamous Rosslyn Chapel, which just so happens to be in Edinburgh). I contacted the gentlemen who were behind the findings at Rosslyn Chapel, not thinking that they would really ever get back to some insignificant music student from California. Well, I was wrong! The day after I e-mailed Thomas Mitchell, one of the composers/specialists of the Rosslyn Motet, I received an e-mail back from his son and partner, who agreed that an interview and personal tour/walk through of their findings would be beneficial for my research. I couldn't have agreed more! For more info. regarding "The Rosslyn Motet" and the Mitchell's findings at Rosslyn Chapel, follow this link:
5. Being in a small country with several friends in various places has opened the door to much traveling potential. In my remaining time here, I plan on visiting the following places:
*Greystones/Dublin/perhaps a lot of Ireland
* and here's the wild-card - if things work out: BUDAPEST, HUNGARY
but anyways, I'll keep yall updated on my travels if in fact everything comes together as planned.
6. Speaking of Friends, my friend Rachel Pomeroy (now alumnus of PLNU) is currently working for the Nazarene Church(s) in Carlisle (which is in the north of England). This means that she only lives roughly 1:30 minutes away from me by train. She swung into town the other day and stayed for a few, which naturally, led to the creation of several silly videos, many photos, lot's of sight-seeing, lots and lots and lots of walking, and in general a very nice visit with a familiar face on the other side of the world. It was this occurrence that reminded me how truly valuable friendship is and how much I'm really grateful that I have so many wonderful friends! It's been awesome getting to know new people here in Scotland and I regularly think about all of my friends back home and either reminisce about past experiences we've had, or eagerly anticipate what sorts of shenanigans we'll get caught up in in the future. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving living in the moment (and what a moment in life this is!), but I do appreciate my friendships in a way that every moment of everyday is influenced and inspired by them.
7. Lucky number seven, and I think my final numbered contribution to this list: I've had the privilege of playing music here in town a few times now in various places and have also been doing a lot of music 'discovering' and listening. As far was what I've been doing goes, here's another link to a youtube clip of me playing at 'Ye Olde Golf Tavern', singing the song I hope you all are passionately voting for (just dismiss all of the spoken banter before and after the song (ha):
There are some other videos from that performance that are available as well, so check them out if you have the time.
As far as 'discovering' and listening go, I'll break it down into the following recommendations and reviews:
-Derren Raser: Check this guy out! PLNU alum and originally based in SD, his new album "Home In This Direction" will strike a chord with anyone who has ears. He as already one the Hollywood Music award for best male vocal this year as a result of this album. The music is well written, well arranged, and features a collection of skilled musicians (in addition to Derren). The album is produced by none other than Chris Hobson, who was the Recording Engineer for the Will Shine Band EP!
- Toto: though a not so recent recording (2007) and DVD to boot, the "Falling In Between Live" album/DVD is perhaps the most spectacular sonic display of well crafted Rock'n'Roll that I've heard in a very long time. The band not only plays some of their timeless classics, but as substitute bass player Leland Sklar puts it, "continues to re-invent themselves and creates new and exciting music". For all you closet Toto fans, and for those of you who only know the song "Africa" because you heard it in a commercial or something, I'd highly recommend picking up a copy of this album and/or the DVD. It's a shame the band isn't together anymore; I would definitely have loved to see them perform.
Well, I think I've successfully written more than I've ever managed before (in this blogging context at least). Hopefully I haven't wasted your time or 'stolen 5 minutes of your life that you'll never get back', if you did in fact happen to read all of this rambling. I hope and pray that you are all doing well that you never cease to see the multi-faceted wonder in the world around you, even if it isn't half way around the planet!
- Will