I'm all for putting in as many hours in a day as is humanly possible, but my schedule (or lack there of) in Scotland is becoming sort of ridiculous. You know your life is spiraling out of control when you wake up at 4:45 am one morning, fall asleep at just slightly before that time the next night/day, wake up at 5 pm later that day, get to bed at a reasonable 12:30am that night/next morning, and finally end up in my current situation of waking up at 3:40 am today (which yes, is one hour before I went to bed the day before). So that may have been hard to follow, but read it again if need be, and I'm sure you will, if nothing else, begin to see that I'm struggling to find a good sleeping rhythm: both of which (rhythm and sleep) are things I pride myself in.
*note: if that paragraph did not make sense, it's simply further proof of it's subject matter.
On a more pleasant note, I will say that I've had nothing but good experiences on the greater scale of things and I'm meeting lots of people from all over the world. I've connected really well with one of my flat-mates (Nils - age 26 from Germany) and we kick it quite a bit. This Saturday, I think I will be traveling to Glasgow for a Ceilidh, which if you don't know what that is, look it up/wait for photos that I will post. I'll be visiting friends I made when on tour earlier this summer with Pointless. Also during that trip, I hope to acquire the necessary remaining kitchen and sleeping items I need to make life a bit more practical. I can't say that I ever thought I'd need to call in a favor in Glasgow, but life's full of surprises right?
If you don't know of it already, I have a facebook account on/within which I've already, and will continue to upload photo's/condensed status updates from my experiences here across the pond. The URL is: http://www.facebook.com/wshine427 For those of you that are not inclined to venture into the captivating/life-consuming/mostly frivolous realm of facebook, you will have to be content with the photo content I supply much less regularly, and in smaller quantity on this blog. That being said, Here is a picture I took a couple of days ago from my window of the sunrise over Arthur's Seat.
So, until next time, what ever time of day that is...
- Will
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