Tuesday, November 24, 2009


and lots of it. Seems that all the 'good weather' that I'd supposedly brought from SD has seen the end of it's days. Rain seems to be more common than 'not rain' (clever phrasing, I know), and stormy weather in general is a bit of a regular. The prevalence of rainy weather however, has just so happened to coincide with some really significant and memorable experiences that I've had here in Scotland and, in the present, is (at 1 Am.) reminding me to write about these experiences/give a general update.

First things first, I want to apologize for my excessive use of back slashes (/). It's a habit I've developed in both my writing and speaking, and for some inexplicable reason, I find them to be appropriate and conducive to both of these communicative facets.

Secondly, I've noticed a tendency to address the weather in most of my postings, which I believe is both because I'm not use the the 'weather' concept at all and that British Culture itself is influencing me to make 'the weather' a regular part of my conversational discourse (as it is a 'go-to' topic of conversation here in the U.K.)

Now, onto my memorable experiences/general update (continued @ 10:45 AM, and still incredibly stormy):

Couple of weekends ago, I had an opportunity to visit the town and (county) of Perth(shire). It was an interesting opportunity largely because I was able to stay with the Williamson family (immediate family of George Williamson Jr., Director of Worship Ministries @ PLNU/my boss and one of my mentors). It was really awesome to feel very welcome and very at home in a very foreign place. I'm grateful for their hospitality and appreciative of Anne (one of George's sisters) taking me around the countryside... even if within the first hour of me being there, I had changed her 'brand new', though flat, car tire (or tyre if you are from here) in the middle of the poring rain, in just about absolute darkness, and at perhaps the sketchiest side-0f-the-road pull off I've ever seen (equivalent to that of some slasher movie). If anything, the latter is just a funny, sort of 'this had to happen eventually', kind of occasion that will help to stamp the point in my personal history in which I found myself blessed to be in Perth. Right now, I'll re-transcribe some of the stuff I wrote down in a little journal I've been keeping. I recorded these thoughts during my second night at the Williamsons' home:
"I'm sitting in Perth, or somewhere outside of the 'town' (not city) of Perth, in the Williamson Household. It's crazy to think about the how my connection back home has brought me to this place and it's been really lovely visiting with this family. I actually passed up a big hall party (puke!), a Celidh, and/or Ladysmyth Black Mombaso live in Edinburgh @ Usher Hall :'( for this weekend getaway. In all honesty though, I feel like I made the best decision. I basically have experienced here what it is I was just talking about with my Scottish friend Dave Kirk the other day over dinner: It's really the PEOPLE that make the place! Don't get me wrong, Perthshire is absolutely, visually beautiful on it's own, but I don't think that it would have the same charm had I not been here visiting warm and welcoming people. Again and again I see 'Life' much more fully reflected in community v.s. geography. Also, it's been really nice to see family life in a different context and further more, from the perspective of an adult! To see children and reminisce v.s. relate. Crazy! I really admire/envy/hope for the kind of family connectedness (as exemplified by the Williamsons) in my own family at some point down the road. I'm definitely not ready in life to 'start a family' and none of the stage has even been set for that. At some point though, I hope to strive to do what I can to keep my family together and close-knit! I'm thankful for my time here and am grateful of what I've learned, became aware of, and been reminded of. God is good!"

Moving along, the very next weekend I found myself getting on a bus (with one of my flat-mates, Ben Singleton), traveling for roughly 10 hours, and finally arriving in the town of Portree, on the Isle of Skye (in the Western Highlands). Words, and even my photographic attempts cannot capture the sense of wonder that I felt as I briefly explored this 'magical' place. Being from California, I've had my fair share of breathtaking views, overwhelming landscapes, monumental landforms, etc., but nothing really even comes close to (or at least is similar to) what I saw on the Isle of Skye. I've included a picture below of one of the many amazing things I saw, but again, it doesn't really capture what it was like to REALLY be there and experience what I did first hand: for more attempts at capturing the beauty of this place see my facebook [http://www.facebook.com/wshine427?ref=name] for photos and videos. I would recommend that if you are ever presented with the opportunity to come to Scotland, and specifically the Isle of Skye, don't pass it up! As I found in Perth however, coming to such a beautiful place would not have been as enjoyable or memorable had there not been someone else to share the experience with; I can confidently say that traveling with my friend Ben here, helped to give this place a sense of life and implanted in my mind a better memory for it, and all of it's visual wonders. Again community/relationship ultimately trumps geography.

In closing, I'll say three more brief things (all of which I find to be profound):

A wise friend of mine once said, "It's only in the context of relationship and those that we find around us; those influencing us, that we really begin to find and understand our own self."

Not to sound New-Age(y) here or over-the-top Neo-philosophical/spiritualistic, but to tie all of the things mentioned in this posting up nicely I've come up with the following - Our lives should be like Flowing Water:
*Each person dependent on those around them (as the very nature of water is dependent on a tight-knit atomic bond to maintain it's identity).
*Always going somewhere (literally or figuratively speaking).
*Both something that can be used to shape, and be shaped by all that is around in God's amazing creation.

and because I'm not trying to be presumptuous with the thought above I will include the following passage from Scripture, which in my own life, continuously humbles me and reminds me of where I sit in the universe (*note - I'd recommend reading Chapters 38 forward to help provide the context for the small passage I'm presenting)

Job 42: 1-6 - "Then Job answered the Lord and said, "I know that You can do all things, and no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. 'Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?' "Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know." 'Hear, now, and I will speak; I will ask You, and You instruct me.' "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees You; Therefore I retract, And I repent in dust and ashes."

I hope and pray that all of you continue, or begin to see and experience all of the wonderful things that God has equipped and enabled you to partake in.


- Will

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